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Related article: "Iron citrate green (iron and ammonium citrate green) differs from the U. S. P. iron and ammonium citrate in that it contains less iron and more citric acid and more ammonium citrate than does the latter. It is of course a modification of Amoxil Syrup the official salt and is supplied to meet a Amoxil Tablet real demand. Its reaction is quite decidedly acid and our present stock contains Fe slightly below the U. S. P. requirements for iron, assaying 15.74 per cent, instead of 16 per cent. Fe. The tests used to control its quality are those for Amoxil Order the official product except as before indicated, it is always acid instead of neutral, as the U. S. P. requires for that salt." The smaller iron content (98 per cent, of the U. S. P. requirement) of the green variety referred to by E. R. Squibb and Sons is so small as to be neg- ligible. Further, the low iron content as well as the acidity of the green salt would Amoxil Buy Online appear to be detriments rather than advantages. Inasmuch as no evidence has been presented to show that iron citrate green is superior in any way to the well-known iron Amoxil 250 Mg and ammonium citrate the Council held that iron citrate green, and with it the dosage forms, was ineligible to N. N. R. The preceding report was submitted to the Mulford Company and to E. R. Squibb and Sons for comment before publication. The former firm replied that in the present case it felt bound to supply the existing demand, the latter replied that, to give the Council its support in this matter, the sale of iron citrate green and ampules thereof would be discontinued. (From The Journal A. M. A., Jan. 13, 1917.) 116 PROPAGANDA FOR REFORM ASPIRIN Report of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry The referee's report on Aspirin-Bayer which follows was submitted to the Council and adopted by it and, in accordance with the referee's recommenda- tion, was sent to the Bayer Company, Inc. The company's reply contained nothing to warrant the continued recognition of this product by the Council. It was accordingly directed that Aspirin-Bayer be omitted from New and Nonofficial Remedies. w A PucKNER> Secretary. R EFEREE' s REPO RT The referee's attention has been called to the systematic campaign of adver- tising aspirin to the public. He is informed that Amoxil Capsule tablets have been marketed for some time in "vest-pocket" boxes, bearing the name "Aspirin" permanently affixed, which is in technical conflict with the Council's rule against indirect advertising to the public. More recently, conspicuous advertisements have appeared in daily papers. These are technically in conflict with the rule against direct advertising to the public. In addition to the plain technical conflicts with the Council's rules there is a feature of the case which has not hitherto been raised and which should be fully considered : It may be remarked that the advertisements contain no therapeutic recommendation, and do not, on their face, urge the public to employ aspirin but apparently merely tell the public how it may protect itself against sophistication. In substance, they say : "If you are a user of aspirin, this is how you may obtain the genuine." It might Amoxil Tablets be said that this is not an attempt to increase the use or sale of aspirin the ordinary object of adver- tising but that Purchase Amoxil Online the means Antibiotics Amoxil of protection against adulteration is a "subject on which the public should be instructed." The principle of such exceptions is stated in the comments to Rule 3 (New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1916, p. 15) ; and although the present case does not come under the exceptions specified under these comments, it may be urged that the Amoxil Price exceptions need to Buy Cheap Amoxil be increased as occasion arises. The notorious adulteration of aspirin may well be urged as establishing a need for a similar exception in its use. The general principle of protecting the public against fraud, adulteration and substitution is directly in line with the objects of the Council, and deserves commendation and support. It is obvious, however, that the means adopted for this end must be efficient, that they must not open the door to other, perhaps greater evils and that they must be used in good faith. The policy of adver- tising "Aspirin-Bayer" must be examined in these respects. In the first place, the acceptance of a product by the Council implies an agreement by the manufacturers or agents that they will adhere strictly to the Council's rules and will not depart from the letter or spirit of these rules without notice to the Amoxil Antibiotics Council. This principle has been grossly infringed in the present case. There can be no doubt that the agents were aware that their advertisements conflicted, at least with the letter of Rule 3. Nevertheless, they did not, in any way, inform the Council of the change in policy. In this respect, at least, Buy Generic Amoxil they have not acted in good faith. Secondly, the wording of the advertisement implies that only the tablets stamped with "The Bayer Cross" are genuine. This is misleading, since every druggist has the right to make unstamped tablets of aspirin, fully as genuine as those stamped with the cross. Thirdly, the cross itself cannot be considered an efficient protection; for people who imitate aspirin will not hesitate to imitate the stamp. The remedy, in either case, and as with any other drug, is the examination of trade samples, and the vigorous prosecution of those guilty of violating the law. COUNCIL REPORTS 117 Fourthly, the permanent affixing of the name "Aspirin" to the vest-pocket boxes is also inefficient as a protection, and serves mainly as an advertisement. Fifthly, whatever may have been the motives of the advertisers, and how- ever carefully the advertisements are worded, they will inevitably tend to increase the use Amoxil 250mg of aspirin by the public, Amoxil 400mg and this is directly against the inter- ests of public health. The public does not know, as physicians do, that head- aches are merely symptom^ of other, sometimes very serious conditions ; and that they are often the signal for the need of a thorough physical examination and diagnosis. It is true that they are often also the symptoms of very minor derangements, which will right themselves spontaneously; and that, in such cases, drugs like aspirin may give relief Price Of Amoxil and may do no harm. The patient, however, is not educated to distinguish one class from the other, and therefore anything that tends to promote the indiscriminate use of such remedies as aspirin is detrimental to the public health. Furthermore, aspirin itself is Amoxil 400 Mg not always harmless. Alarming idiosyncrasies are sufficiently common that the use of the Order Amoxil first doses, at least, should require medical supervision. With these considerations in mind, the referee is of the opinion that the Amoxil Antibiotic direct and indirect advertising of aspirin is to be condemned. (From The Journal A. M. A., Jan. 20, 1917.) PIL. CASCARA COMPOUND-ROBINS Report of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry A circular issued by the A. H. Robins Company of Richmond, Va., contains the following statement: "PIL. CASCARA COMPOUND-ROBINS is a rational Amoxil 400 therapeutic formula, composed of CASCARA,